We are a group of men and women gardeners organized to learn from one another and local gardening experts. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in gardening. If you would like to contact the club, please email us for more information. We hope you join us!
Members usually gather monthly on the second Monday at the Central Valley Firehouse, 215 Wings Way in Belgrade. That is the new fire station very close to the airport. We meet September — June in the evening at 6:30 PM, except January, February, and March when we meet at 1:00 PM. This may change due to activities. Please email us for summer garden tours and specific meeting information. Find up-to-date information on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/belgradebloomersgardenclub/
We maintain a pollinator garden in Lewis & Clark Park, which is near the new Belgrade Library. The garden educates the community children about the importance of pollinators in our food systems. Members also partner with the Gallatin Rest Home Auxiliary to maintain the sensory garden at the Rest Home.
We perform various community activities at the Belgrade Senior Center and Belgrade Library, donate Christmas florals to nonprofits and elementary schools, and donate to the local food bank. A new, important program in 2024 is supporting food security, especially in schools. We are working with the Belgrade School District #44 Angel Fund which provides nutritious food for the students.
Jennifer Weiss is the club president, Karen Snyder is the vice president, and Kali Vergeront is the treasurer. Our members also contribute to the state, region and national gardening federations. Phyllis White and Susan Andrews are National Garden Clubs accredited flower show judges. Susan is the state Wildflower and Flower Show Awards Chairman. Phyllis serves on the state Advisory Council, Long Range Planning, Mentorship and Protocol Committees, and is co-editor of the Montana Gardens publication.
President Jennifer Weiss – weissjennifer1960@gmail.com